Key Mapping

This feature enables you to set your own key mapping for various SCS functions.

For example, to change the Master Fader Up key, click on Master Fader Up in the list. The cursor will be placed on the Press New (Multi-)Key field. You can now just press the key you want to use for increasing the Master Fader.

The reference to (Multi-) means that you can use Shift or Ctrl keys (or both) with the key, such as Ctrl + U. Please note that you cannot use Alt in key mapping as Alt+key is used by Windows to activate buttons or other controls that have an 'access key' defined. For example, in the Permanent Options screen displayed above, Alt+H activates the Help button.

If the key you select is already assigned to some other SCS function, then that assignment will be displayed in the Current Assignment field. That does not mean you cannot use that key, but if you do then the other assignment of that key will be cancelled.

The new key assignment will not take effect unless you click the Assign New Key button. The Defaults button reinstates the SCS defaults, and the Clear Assigned Key button enables you to remove keyboard activation of a selected function.

If you have assigned a key mapping for the 'Go' Button then you may wish to disable the use of the right mouse-click for activating cues. To do this, select the checkbox labelled Disable right-click activating the 'Go' button. Another reason why you might want to disable the right-click is if you are using MIDI or RS232 control to activate cues.

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